Cynthia Mickens Ministries

We Transform Lives To Transform Communities!


What We Do

Cynthia Mickens Ministries (CMM) is a comprehensive network of services designed to empower individuals to achieve self-sufficiency and live passionately and purposefully. Our initiatives specifically support single mothers, women, men, youth, families, and seniors across Dallas County.

CMM's services include a housing program, a summer STEAM learning and feeding camp, a community garden, and a food pantry. Each of these services is carefully structured to equip individuals with the tools and resources necessary to achieve self-sufficiency and lead purposeful lives.


Mother with Children

Programs and Services Available To Our Community

Food Giveaway Every 3rd Saturday

Cynthia Mickens Ministries and Path-Way to Life Center of Hope Church invite you to a free food giveaway EVERY THIRD SATURDAY of the month.  This event is open to the general public.


WHEN:   Every 3rd Saturday from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm

WHERE:  302 W. Palestine Street, Hutchins, Texas  75141

EMAIL:  [email protected]

CALL: (888) 419-0957

Food Giveaway Every 3rd Saturday

Garden Beds Available to the Community

Cynthia Mickens Ministries and The Path Organic Community Garden Gathering Place are providing the community with a free gardening bed, available on a first come, first serve basis. Garden beds are available to the general public.


WHERE:  302 W. Palestine Street, Hutchins, Texas  75141

EMAIL:  [email protected]

CALL: (888) 419-0957

Garden Beds

"I simply believe that discovering your purpose is a divine revelation by seeking Him for significance and not others."

Dr. Cynthia Mickens Ross

Residential Housing

We provide long-term safe supportive housing for single mothers with young children while they pursue the goal of self sufficiency.

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Designed to coach and support individuals in the discovery of their natural gifts, talents, and abilities.

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For Kids

Free Summer Learning and Feeding program for children ages 6 to 12 years old.

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