About Cynthia Mickens Ministries
Helping people to live the life they were created to live.
Our Mission
Cynthia Mickens Ministries, Inc., is a faith-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit established in 2002 to “provide the tools and resources to help individuals live the life they were created to live. Cynthia Mickens Ministries, Inc. programs and services address a critical need in Dallas County: single mothers of young children who lack safe housing and adequate income to care for themselves and their children. Several thousand of these women have the capacity to become economically self-sufficient if provided services specifically designed to achieve this outcome.

What We Do
Cynthia Mickens Ministries has developed a collection of programs that provide the tools and resources to help individuals live the life they were created to live. Specifically, these programs serve women, children, and single mothers in the Dallas County area through courses and coaching, a shared housing program, a free summer learning and feeding program, and prayer. These courses and programs provide practical tools, resources, encouragement, and support to help individuals find purpose and achieve self-sufficiency. We are a place for all people to come, no matter their background, to find hope and the help they need to discover how to live their best life: a life fueled by passion and purpose. Since 2002, we have impacted the lives of approximately 25,000 people, and that number is still growing.